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Phoebe Mankiewicz Ledins, Chandrima Bhattacharya, Anna Dyson and Elizabeth Hénaff
Research Directions: Biotechnology Design , Volume 2 , 2024 , e5. DOI:
Phoebe Mankiewicz Ledins, Elizabeth Z. Lin, Chandrima Bhattacharya, Krystal J. Godri Pollitt, Anna H. Dyson and Elizabeth M. Hénaff
Sci Rep 14, 23857 (2024).
Phoebe Mankiewicz, Elizabeth Lin, Chandrima Bhattacharya, Elizabeth Henaff, Krystal Godri Pollitt, Anna Dyson
International Society of Exposure Science, 2023 Annual Meeting. Chicago, USA
United Nations Environment Programme
(2023), Nairobi
Phoebe Mankiewicz, Elizabeth Lin, Chandrima Bhattacharya, Krystal J. Godri Pollitt, Anna Dyson, Elizabeth Hénaff
National Institute of Standards and Technology, International Microbiome and Multi'omics Standards Alliance, Boulder CO
E-Flux Digestion
United Nations Environment Programme
Yale CEA joins UNEP's Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction in Releasing Updates towards Zero Emission Futures for the Built Environment
Elizabeth Lin, Phoebe Mankiewicz, Chandrima Bhattacharya, Elizabeth Henaff, Anna Dyson, Krystal Godri Pollitt
International Society of Exposure Science, 2022 Annual Meeting. Lisbon, Portugal
Mae-ling Lokko
Actar Publishers
Christina Ciardullo; Andreas Theodoridis; Phoebe Mankeiwitz; Mohamed Aly Etman; Anna Dyson. (2022)
ASHRAE Topical Conference Proceedings (2022)
Iffat Ridwana and Mae-ling Lokko
ARCC 2021 Conference: Performative Environments
Mae-ling Lokko
E-Flux Survivance
Lokko, Mae-ling and Gustavo Crembil
Folio Journal of African Architecture Vol 2
Mae-ling Lokko and Alexandra Rempel
International Building Physics Conference
Mae-ling Lokko and Ron Eglash
Folio Journal of African Architecture Vol 1
Naomi Keena, Marco Raugei, Mae-ling Lokko, Mohamed Aly Etman, Vicky Achnani, Barbara Reck, Anna Dyson (2022)
Energies (2022)
Phoebe Mankiewicz, Christina Ciardullo, Andreas Theodoridis, Elizabeth Hénaff + Anna Dyson (In review 2021).
Submitted to ASHRAE Journal (2021)
Phoebe Mankiewicz, Aleca Borsuk, Christina Ciardullo, Elizabeth Hénaff + Anna Dyson (In preparation 2021)
Growth Media Design (2021)
Nick Novelli, Justin Shultz, Anna Dyson + Mohamed Aly Etman (In review 2021)
Proceedings of BS2021. Building Simulation 2021, Bruges (2021)
Marco Raugei, Naomi Keena, Nick Novelli, Mohamed Aly Etman + Anna Dyson (2021)
Journal of Industrial Ecology (2021)
Nick Novelli, Kenton Phillips, Justin Shultz, Melanie Derby, Peter Stark, Michael Jensen, J. Craft, + Anna Dyson (2021)
Renewable Energy (2021)
Nick Novelli, Justin Shultz, Mohamed Aly Etman, Kenton Phillips, Michael Jensen, Jason Vollen + Anna Dyson (In review 2021)
Proceedings of SDEWES. SDEWES, Dobrovnik (2021)
Nick Novelli, Justin Shultz, Mohamed Aly Etman, Kenton Phillips, Melanie Derby, Peter Stark, Michael Jensen + Anna Dyson (In review 2021)
Proceedings of IBPC. International Building Physics Conference, Copenhagen (2021)
Mohamed Aly Etman, Naomi Keena + Anna Dyson (2020, November)
In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 588, No. 3, p. 032062). IOP Publishing (2020)
Anna Dyson, Naomi Keena, Alan Organschi, Lisa Gray, Nick Novelli, Kipp Bradford + Mark Radka (2020, November)
In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 588, No. 4, p. 042027). IOP Publishing (2020)
Nick Novelli, Kenton Phillips, Justin Shultz, Melanie Derby, Peter Stark, Michael Jensen, Jesse Craft + Anna Dyson (2020)
In Proceedings of SDEWES. Cologne (2020)
Naomi Keena, Mohamed Aly Etman + Anna Dyson (2021)
In Proceedings of the 2020 AIA/ACSA Intersections Research Conference: Carbon. Pennsylvania State University, virtual conference (2020)
Naomi Keena + Anna Dyson (2020)
Yale Center for Ecosystems in Architecture, Yale University and United Nations One Planet Network Sustainable Buildings and Construction Programme (2020)
Anna Dyson, Naomi Keena, Alan Organschi, Lisa Gray, Nick Novelli, Kipp Bradford, Mohamed Aly Etman, Matt Gindlesparger, Hind Wildman, Jonathan Duwyn, Martina Otto, Sophie Loran, Catherine Beltrandi + Mark Radka (2020)
Proceedings of the World Sustainable Built Environment Conference, 9 (2020)
Naomi Keena, Marco Raugei + Anna Dyson (2019)
In Emergy Synthesis 10, Proceedings of the 10th Biennial Emergy Conference (2019)
Naomi Keena, Marco Raugei, Mohamed Aly Etman, Daniel Ruan + Anna Dyson (2018)
Ecological Modelling, 367, 42-57 (2018)
Nick Novelli, Brandon Andow, Scott Overall, Christopher Morse + Mohamed Aly Etman (2018)
In Proceedings of the International Building Physics Conference. Syracuse, NY (2018)
Nick Novelli, Robert Gordon, + Igor Varfolomeev (2018)
In Facade Tectonics Institute 2018 World Congress Proceedings Volume 2, 355–64. Los Angeles (2018)
Jayamary Divya Ravichandar, Anna Dyson, Cynthia H. Collins (2017)
AIChE Annual Meeting, 2017
Mae-Ling Lokko, Anna Dyson + Alexandra Rempel (2017)
PLEA 2016 Los Angeles: Towards Regenerative Environments (2017)
Eli Lichter-Mark, Mohamed Aly Etman + Anna Dyson (2017)
PLEA 2016 Los Angeles: Towards Regenerative Environments (2017)
Naomi Keena, Mohamed Aly Etman, Josh Draper, Paulo Pinheiro + Anna Dyson (2017)
Electronic Imaging 2016, no. 1,1-7 (2017)
Keena, N., Aly M., Diniz, N., Rempel A., Dyson A. (2017)
In Proceedings of the 9th biennial emergy conference. Center for Environmental Policy, University of Florida Gainesville, FL (2017)
Mohamed Aly Etman, Naomi Keena + Anna Dyson (2017)
Edinburgh: 33rd International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture. Design to Thrive. (2017)
Anna Dyson, Naomi Keena, Mohamed Aly Etman + McCusker, J (2017)
Poster and Demonstration at the Grand Challenges Meeting, Washington D.C. (2017)
Naomi Keena + Anna Dyson (2017)
Embodied energy and design (pp. 196-205). New York: Columbia University GSAPP Lars Müller (2017)
Berardo Matalucci, Kenton Phillips, Walf, A., Anna Dyson + Josh Draper (2017)
International Journal of Architectural Computing, 15(1), 54-69 (2017)
Kenton Phillips, Alexandra Rempel + Anna Dyson (2017)
PLEA 2016 Los Angeles - 36th International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture. Cities, Buildings, People: Towards Regenerative Environments (2017)
Naomi Keena, Brennen, A. + Anna Dyson (2017)
Presentation at Grand Challenges Meeting, Washington D.C. (2017)
C.W. Letchford, D.C. Lander, P. Case, A. Dyson, M. Amitay (2017)
Reynolds Number of 104, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Volume 150, Pages 22-30 (2017)
Elise Patton, Jayamary Divya Ravichandar, Matthew Urschel, Kristin Bennett, Anna Dyson, Rogers, K., Claire Collins + McGuinness, D. (2016)
In Proceedings of the Bio-Ontologies 2016 conference. International Society for computational biology (2016)
Naomi Keena, Mohamed Aly Etman, Josh Draper, Paulo Pinheiro + Anna Dyson (2016)
Electronic Imaging, no. 1,1-7 (2016)
Chris Letchford, Daniel Lander, Peter Case, Anna Dyson + Michael Amitay (2016)
Reynolds Number of 10x4, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Volume 150, Pages 22-30. (2016)
Nick Novelli, Justin Shultz + Anna Dyson (2015)
Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design (SimAUD), Washington DC, April 2015. Society for Computer Simulation International (2015)
Bess Krietemeyer, Brandon Andow + Anna Dyson (2015)
International Journal of Architectural Computing 13.1 (2015): 1-24
Shane Ida Smith + Anna Dyson (2015)
MRS Online Proceedings Library Archive 1800 (2015)
Ahu Aydogan, Anna Dyson + Lupita Montoya (2015)
Proceedings of Healthy Buildings America (2015)
Mohamed Aly Etman, Nick Novelli, Justin Shultz, Kenton Phillips, Brandon Andow + Anna Dyson (2015)
Proceedings of the PLEA Conference. Bologna (2015)
Anne Wrobetz, Ahu Aydogan + Lupita Montoya (2015)
Proceedings of American Association for Aerosol Research 34th Annual Conference (2015)
Mae-Ling Lokko, Anna Dyson + Jason Vollen
Proceedings of the XXV International Union of Architect's World Congress, Durban, South Africa, 3-7 August 2014. Ed. Amira Osman, Gerhard Bruyns and Clinton Aigbavboa. Durban: UIA 2014 Durban. pgs.1368-83 (2014)
David Menicovich (2014)
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 133: 263-273 (2014)
Bess Krietemeyer (2014)
19th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia-Rethinking Comprehensive Design: Speculative Counterculture, CAADRIA 2014. The Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA) (2014)
Pablo Lorenzo-Eiroa + Aaron Sprecher (2013)
Routledge (2013)
Brandon Andow (2013)
Proceedings of the International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE) Conference on Sensors and Smart Structures (2013)
Anna Dyson, Ahu Aydogan, Jason Vollen, Marianne Nyman + Jeffrey Bird (2013)
Proceedings of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting, 32d (2013)
David Menicovich (2012)
Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitats Technical Paper(Issue IV): 18-23 (2012)
Abhay Thomas (2011)
Advanced Materials 27.21 (2015): 3256-3265
Ahu Aydogan + Lupita D. Montoya (2011)
Atmospheric Environment 45 (16): 2675-82 (2011)
Elizabeth Krietemeyer, Shane Smith + Anna Dyson (2011)
Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (EAPAD) 2011. Vol. 7976. International Society for Optics and Photonics (2011)

Fabricate 2024: Creating Resourceful Futures, edited by Phil Ayres, Mette Ramsgaard Thomsen, Bob Sheil & Marilena Skavara. UCL Press

Archinect 2023 year in review featured the Building Materials and Climate report as top innovation in 2023 under Material Research & Academia.

SNAP (2011)

RPI Alumni Magazine (2010)
Archinect 2023 year in review featured the Building Materials and Climate report as top innovation in 2023 under Material Research & Academia.
Yale CEA joins UNEP's Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction in Releasing Updates towards Zero Emission Futures for the Built Environment
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